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Jennifer Horton

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Jennifer Horton teaches Biology and Forensic Science at Lincoln High School in Lincoln,CA.

She attended the Innovations in Science Instruction Through Modeling (ISIM) institute in 2009 and has been teaching with model based reasoning(MBR)lessons for the past 3 years. These lessons help the teacher guide students to their own understanding of science concepts and allow them to reason with them, instead of just teaching the information.

Her first career was as a salmon biologist in Alaska, then she and her husband spent 7 years sailing on their Nor' Sea 27, cruising boat. Their boat is currently in Sitka, Alaska. Jennifer and her family visit Alaska every summer to see friends, go sailing and collect fun and interesting specimens for her science classes.

Jennifer currently lives in Loomis with her family on Horton Farm. They commercially grow tall bearded iris and pumpkins. They also enjoy their extensive heirloom garden, fruit trees, a tribe of Boer goats and a variety of chickens.

Jennifer has embedded science into her whole life, past and present. She hopes her enthusiasm for science as well as the inquiry learning environment in her classroom will spark a sustainable interest in science for her colleagues, students and their parents.


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