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Betsy Rupp Fulwiler

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Betsy Rupp Fulwiler is the developer of the nationally recognized Expository Writing and Science Notebooks Program, a component of Seattle Public Schools’ Pre-K–5 Inquiry-Based Science Program (a Local Systemic Change initiative funded by the National Science Foundation) and author of Writing in Science in Action: Strategies, Tools, and Classroom Video (Heinemann, 2011) and Writing in Science: How to Scaffold Instruction to Support Learning (Heinemann, 2007), which she wrote as part of another NSF grant. She has presented at regional and national conferences and consults both regionally and nationally in relation to connecting science and literacy. Before becoming a consultant, she was an elementary science coach for over a decade. Prior to that, she was an elementary classroom teacher and a reading specialist in the Title One program in Seattle Public Schools. In an earlier career, she was an editor and has M.A. degrees in English and in teaching.


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